The more children know about their world, the easier it is for them to read and learn when they get to elementary school. Efforts to build children’s vocabulary are more successful when children have engaging, challenging, and exciting things about which to communicate. Piaget Academy knows how to effectively weave all this content (reading, science, math, or geography) throughout our entire academic program, enriching children’s language and early reading skills, as well as their background knowledge.
Piaget Academy uses the best academic curriculums available to promote social and learning development. The High Reach Curriculum is used (Infants to Three’s) & Houghton Mifflin Pre-K Curriculum (VPK). The curriculums provide theme based comprehensive learning based on the foundational skills they need to succeed as lifelong learners. The hands-on, mind-on-curriculum is based on scientific research & is aligned with key critical Pre-K learning goals. The flexible lesson structure specifically develops critical early learning skills such as oral language, listening comprehension, vocabulary, phonological awareness, print awareness, as well as mathematic skills taught on a daily basis. Group activities, learning centers, & free choice complete the program’s comprehensive approach. This approach addresses social & emotional development, self esteem, motor skills, science, social studies, music, art, and foreign languages.
Early reading is critical to a successful education. At Piaget Academy we strive and go out of our way to ensure our children fall in love with books and reading.